Fig15 |
The number and incidence
of mefastases in lung and lymph nodes of mediastinum and axilla 50
days after intramuscular (leg) tumor implantation in rats,and the
number of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes 21 days after implantation.
Total body or localized tumor irradiation ,with 0.2 Gy was given 14
days after implantation 5×10
allogenic hepatoma cell. Hashimoto et al. Radiation Res.151:717-729(1999).
Fig16 |
Dose-response analysis
of splenin T cell proliferative response 3-5d after the last radiation
exposure of immunologically normal,long-lived C57B1/6J +/+ mice.Results
are expressed as the mean percent increase in H-thymidine
uptake relative to 0 Gycontrol group as 100%. The vertical bars =
1SEM. Makinodan and James(1990); adapted from James and Makinodan(1988). |
図16 複数回のTBIによるマウス脾臓T細胞増殖の亢進
Fig17 |
Eight month
old, mammary tumor-susceptible, female C3H/He mice were first adjusted
in a stepwise manner to chronically restricted diet (calorically 70%
of ad libitum diet)(CRD) over a period of 3 weeks. The mice were maintained
on CRD until completion of the study. After their diet was adjusted,
the mice were exposed to TBI (0.04Gy, 3 alternating days/week, 4 weeks)
and were observed for 35 weeks. Tumor regression of the CRD+TBI group
was very rapid and large numbers of CD8+T cells were found infiltrating
the regressing tumors, which were not seen in mice of the untreated
control, LDR and CRD groups. Adapted from Makinodan (1992). |
図17 |
低線量放射線照射と制限食による乳がんの抑制と除去作用 |